Thursday, August 4, 2011

It's me Gamedlover! HappyHappyHappy!

I hope you toots are spreading all the goodgoodgoodgoodgoodness of tootsville. So here's a recap of Today's events(and if your seeing this the next day then consider it yesterday) well we laughed we ouched we cried we farted(ok maybe that was me) we even did random stuff for the lawlz. Oh and IQ grew a paper bag beard but shaved it. Oh and Shader dressed as Cupid then Santa chri I mean Santa clause in a ghosty way. Well I hope you toots have a great day tomorrow(today if your watching this the next day I posted this) and yea (gets pie) (mumbles) ave a grate da an fank wu bot waching! Yea as you can see I love food and everything that normal toots can't eat XD.

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