Monday, August 15, 2011

Oh My Gosh! A little mix up

Ok I see there's been a slight mix up here in my blog. Ok first of all I'm not obsessed with toontown I play it usually on weekends(Saturday and Sunday). Second,I already showed my friends tootsville but they're not interested no matter what I tell them. Last,I never said I was quitting I was just losing interest but I'll still be around(yea imagine a 14 year old playing this,it's still an awesome site though). But hey if you think I'm quitting and ignoring me when I come on that's fine I'm not judging anyones feelings. And even though I'm not the only 14 year old kid in tootsville you gotta be glad we older kids still play this site and will always remember it. So if there's anything bad I said I'm sorry. Thanks for viewing and toot ya later!

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