Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tootsville Anime!!!

Lol ok maybe not but something happened in tootsville yesterday. You see med and I were in toot square then shade literally appeared right next to me since he tried to squish me! Then he warned us that trimestus is coming! Then he told me to eat the fungi from his tentacles and for some reason I did so now I'm toxic. Wah!!! Oh yes and a new shadow has appeared. Dun dun dun!!!! I'm not telling who it is just yet. Oh and remember when shade turned tootsville into shadesville? Well during all that he has prepared a very special treat for us. Hehe again I can't say what it is. Yup turns out his minions were at work while shade had us distracted! He also said that the reason we turned shadesville back to tootsville was because shade wasn't showing his true strength so that his bigger plan would go into action! Soon we will all be forced to be a shadow or else we will be banned! The new shadow will be undercover at work so don't think you'll be able to know that quick. Anyways that's it I'm Gamedlover and I approve this message! Squaids... It's some serious stuff.

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